Signing Keys

This page lists keys that are relevant to me and, when available, evidence that the fingerprints are accurate.

Qubes Master Signing Key (QMSK)


This key is used to certify other keys used by the QubesOS project.

This was repeated identically in the following locations:

QubesOS Code Signing


This key is used to sign tags and/or commits that represent a specific release for a specific repository. In some cases, it is also used to sign intermediate commits.

It is certified by the Qubes Master Signing Key.

Xen Signing Key


This key is used to sign tags that represent a specific Xen release. I have been unable to locate any useful evidence that this key is accurate. So it's "trust on first use" right now.

Purism Signing Key


This key is used to sign commits in Purism's firmware release repository. I have been unable to locate any useful evidence that this key is accurate. So once again, "trust on first use".

Download the markdown source and signature.